Ten years ago I was asked by a friend of mine to join her as co-driver on a historical journey. We travelled 250 km by horse and carriege in mid-winter. The historical background is what in swedish is called "for-bönder". I can't find a word in english for this, but before lorrys and trucks -farmers took the surplus of their produce and travelled in caravans to big marketplaces to sell it. We travelled in their trail. It took us 6 days. No hotels..
It is painted on Bockingford.

I did studies on horses before painting,and the only one I know who paints horses is Joseph Zbukvic so I looked a little to him for tips. Most important to him is the horses ears! Hence the notes in the sketchbook.

Then finally the painting..

What I like about this is that you have used your reference material to build up a composition through the use of simple sketches to help resolve your ideas. Well done! I like the final painting, but next time try to give more impact to your subject - the horse and driver. They are competing here with the trees on the left foreground and right , middle distance. Keep these more simple, with the use of soft edges to give the horse and driver greater prominence. It's a lovely moment though, well captured, and thanks so much for sharing.
It really was an adventure! A beautiful one! ... and very nice sketches!
What an adventure! And a very suggestive painting (with ear focus). I love how you have rendered the trees also. This really rings all my bells, since I remember tales from my my grandfather of the forbönder from Klövsjö going over the fjäll to Röros (pardon the bad english;) I also try horse life drawing now and then, since we have two of them at home. Not nordsvenskar (my grandfather bred them), but still nice subjects for ear studies. Happy new year, Seija!